Articulations : comment en prendre soin ? - Epycure

BIEN-ETRE Joints: how to take care of them?

2min reading time

Joints include all the tissues that connect bones together and help support body movements. Joint pain affects millions of people and is mainly linked to age, pathologies such as arthritis or osteoarthritis, being overweight, an overly sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, an excess of practice of sporting activities.

Here are some tips that will help you keep cartilage, tendons and ligaments strong and healthy, and thus prevent common joint conditions (hips, knees, ankles, heels, etc.).

How to strengthen joints?

Reduce inflammation

  • Consume omega 3 fatty acids: they are contained in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines or trout. Studies show that omega 3s present in the diet reduce inflammation and appear to reduce cartilage wear. Conversely, refined and heated vegetable oils can contribute to inflammation and should be limited.
  • Stock up on flavonoids : contained in fruits and vegetables, they help reduce inflammation, with proven benefits for arthritis. Concretely ? Choose spinach, broccoli, garlic, onion, red fruits, apples, blackcurrants or even grapes.
  • Spice up your dishes : spices are very interesting in the fight against inflammation, and effective in the prevention or treatment of osteoarthritis, in particular turmeric, garlic and ginger.

Promote collagen production

  • Consume foods rich in vitamin C : not only does it increase collagen synthesis, but it also accelerates bone healing after a fracture and reduces oxidative stress, responsible for tissue aging. Concretely ? Favor foods rich in antioxidants such as kiwis, citrus fruits, strawberries, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, etc.), peppers and parsley.
  • Ensure a sufficient intake of vitamin K2: it contributes to the fixation of calcium on the bones, thus preventing it from being deposited in the arteries or in the form of kidney stones and avoiding the wear and tear of the cartilage characteristic of osteoarthritis. In practice: eat quality animal liver, eggs, fermented dairy products or natto (Japanese fermented soy-based food).
  • Avoid magnesium deficiencies: they appear to alter the structure of cartilage and many studies find an increased risk of osteoarthritis in people with low magnesium intake. Correlation does not imply causation, but the inclusion of foods richer in magnesium would be wise and have real importance. Concretely ? Favor green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, avocados, legumes or dark chocolate.

Maintain regular physical activity

Playing sports is associated with a greater volume of cartilage. In addition, it strengthens muscles and bones, thus preventing joint degeneration. The movement also releases a lubricating protein into the synovial fluid that protects the cartilage.
As always, dosage is important. Overtraining and, above all, the accumulation of injuries, can accelerate cartilage damage. So listen to your body's signals and don't forget to drink water.

Note that flexibility can decrease as menopause approaches in women and therefore lead to joint pain. Do not hesitate to perform massages on the sensitive area or practice yoga to work on your flexibility.

It is also possible to take care of your joints by consuming all these vitamins in the form of food supplements. You will find all our cures on our site.
