Alimentation : comment intégrer la bonne quantité de légumes ? - Epycure

NUTRITION Diet: how to include the right amount of vegetables?

3min reading time

We have always known that we should eat fruits and vegetables every day because they are good for our health, but we know very little about the minimum quantity necessary for a sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.

The truth is that vegetables are much more than a source of vitamin C or fiber. They are composed of a multitude of phyto-nutrients, vital to the proper functioning of our immune system, our microbiota, our energy, our intellectual abilities, etc. In summary, vegetables are essential to our good nutrition but are not just a way to eat healthily or stay in shape. They are a way to ensure the proper functioning of our cells and our nervous, endocrine and digestive systems.

The benefits of vegetables

Vegetables help your immune system perform well

The mucous membranes present in the nose, mouth, ears and even in the small intestine are the first defenses of our immune system. If these mucous membranes do not function properly, external aggressions face no obstacle when they enter our body. These mucous membranes require a supply of carotenoids, present in spinach, broccoli, carrots, green beans, papaya or mango. Eating fruits and vegetables is vital to allow our immune system to defend itself.

Vegetables reduce feelings of bloating

The polyphenols contained in berries, apples and spinach help the proliferation of good bacteria. When the intestinal microbiota is in contact with good bacteria (and some bad), this stimulates the body to detoxify, hormones behave normally and the body is better able to digest food and you will no longer feel bloated.

Vegetables are a great source of energy

In 2014, scientists observed that our energy comes mainly from light and chlorophyll, this green pigment in plants. This study requires more evidence but you are very likely to see it yourself.

For example, before a sports session, a banana, an apple or carrots would be perfectly suited to be full of energy.

Vegetables contain antioxidants

Antioxidants intervene against oxidative stress, which degrades our cells and which is the cause of aging as well as a risk of numerous diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.).

Oxidative stress is caused by the accumulation of free radicals, which antioxidants will be able to counter. It is therefore essential to ingest it daily and in sufficient quantity.

Vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants: artichokes, red beans, lentils, tomatoes, red cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, pears, etc.

Phytonutrients would make you smarter (and yes!)

Phytonutrients stimulate cognitive performance and act against neuron degeneration. Your brain is 80% fat, the antioxidant power of phyto-nutrients will help prevent the oxidation of these fats and therefore contribute to the reactivity and strength of your brain.

How much vegetables do you need per day?

We all know the “5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day”.

But how can we translate this portion into grams?

In reality, a serving of vegetables or fruit is equivalent to 120 grams. Daily, the ideal would then be to consume three portions of raw or cooked vegetables and two portions of fruit.

Does this seem impossible to you?

Here are the best ways to easily ingest the necessary amounts of vegetables.

Tips for incorporating vegetables into your diet daily

Drink smoothies

The best way to make the pill go away! Add your favorite vegetables, make your own recipes, and that’s it! You can decide what you put in your magic formula without forcing yourself into something you don't like. Plus, satiety guaranteed!

Vegetable juices

Not all juice is just sugar. Be careful of excess, the best would be less than 100 calories per serving. Using this benchmark, the sugar level will be reasonable.

The soups

Making homemade soups is almost as easy as making your own smoothie. Same principle, you can choose exactly its capacity and therefore know what contributions each soup will bring you and choose them according to your tastes. Choose organic and seasonal vegetables :)

Raw vegetables

In salad, as a starter, with dinner... Raw vegetables can be eaten all the time! With a drizzle of olive oil and salt, you can't help but enjoy it.

These 4 little techniques will make you forget that you are eating vegetables and you will be rewarded with better intellectual performance and a healthy body! So, everyone to the fruit and vegetable section!