Pour maximiser votre énergie : hydratez-vous ! - Epycure

BIEN-ETRE To maximize your energy: hydrate!

4min reading time

Water is the main component of the human body: it normally makes up 60% of body weight in adult men, and is slightly lower, 50-55%, in women due to their higher proportion of body fat. The brain and muscles are 75% water, the blood and kidneys are 81%, the liver is 71%, bones are 22%, and fat is 20%.

Why do I lack energy?

Water has many benefits in our body:

  • It is the main component of body cells (except fat cells)
  • It also protects and lubricates the brain and joints
  • It transports nutrients to the body's cells
  • It takes care of the elimination of cellular waste
  • It helps regulate body temperature by redistributing heat from active tissues to the skin and cooling the body through perspiration.

Hydration is therefore the cornerstone of the most fundamental physiological functions and is therefore essential for maintaining an optimal energy level. We share with you some tips and solutions to implement. Let's take a closer look at the impact of correct hydration on the functioning of our organs and consequently, on our vitality:


Adequate hydration is important for healthy brain function. When we are well hydrated, brain cells receive oxygenated blood and the brain remains alert. Mild dehydration, which would result in water loss leading to a reduction of 1 or 2% in body weight, can already affect the ability to concentrate. Losing more than 2% of body weight due to dehydration can affect the brain's ability to process information and short-term memory.


Hydrating the body is important for transporting carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, as well as oxygen, into cells. Thus, cells are capable of producing the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the body. In addition, hydration facilitates the elimination of waste or cellular debris produced in metabolic processes, thus allowing the proper functioning of cellular chemistry.


Hydration plays an important role in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal system. Water is necessary for the dissolution of nutrients so that they can be absorbed into the blood and transported into cells. Insufficient hydration slows the digestive process and chronic poor hydration can lead to constipation and fatigue because the rate at which stool passes through the intestinal tract is slowed.


Fluids are important for heart function and proper regulation of fluid balance is essential to keeping blood pressure within healthy limits. Dehydration reduces the performance of the heart, which can increase heart rate and cause a drop in blood pressure. The circulatory system provides a constant amount of oxygen to the brain, muscles and other tissues.


Adequate water intake is essential for the proper functioning of the kidneys, helping them eliminate waste and unnecessary nutrients through urine. Chinese medicine also recognizes this filtering function, but considers these organs to have a much deeper purpose: to preserve and protect our vital essence.

Muscles and joints

Water acts as a lubricant for muscles and joints: it helps protect joints and help muscles function properly. Muscles and joints, as well as bones, are needed for standing, sitting, moving, and all daily activities. Between 70 and 75% of muscles are made up of water. Maintaining adequate fluid balance is essential for optimal muscle function and physical performance.


The skin provides a barrier against pathogens and helps prevent the development of infectious and allergic processes. Adequate hydration is thought to help moisten body tissues and preserve skin elasticity, softness, and color, although this has not been extensively researched.

Body temperature

Body water plays an important thermoregulatory role, regulating overall body temperature through heat dissipation. If the body becomes too hot, it loses water through sweating, and the evaporation of this water from the surface of the skin dissipates heat from the body. Sweating is the most effective way to prevent the body from overheating. So we attack sport (yoga for example) and practice regular physical activity. All excesses are accepted to sweat!

How to quickly regain energy?

In addition to being well hydrated, it is essential to follow a certain diet. Here are some good habits to adopt to keep your spirits up and regain energy quickly!