Pourquoi perd-on ses cheveux ? - Epycure

BIEN-ETRE Why do we lose our hair?

4min reading time

Hair represents an undeniable asset of seduction and well-being. So, when they start to fall, it quickly becomes a subject of stress for the person concerned. Angélique enlightens you on this subject which concerns us all.

What is losing your hair?

Hair is usually made up of 70,000 to 150,000 hairs, each hair is alive and follows a specific development cycle.

  • the growth phase, which lasts between 2 to 7 years depending on the individual, heredity, but also your quality of life. The growth phase represents 85% of healthy hair
  • Then after this growth phase there is the regression phase called the catagen phase during which the hair no longer grows, 2% of the hair is then composed of resting hair.
  • The telogen phase follows this period, at the end of which the hair falls out. 10% of hair is still in the shedding phase.

When more than 10% of the hair is falling out for more than 3 months, we can consider that there is indeed a problem with hair loss. Most often, the term “alopecia” is used. This refers to the phenomenon which is characterized by partial and progressive loss of hair . Men are the most susceptible to this disorder. But it can also affect women.

The different reasons that can lead to alopecia

  1. heredity

In men, 95% of hair loss is hereditary. A man whose father is bald will be more likely to become bald in turn. Each individual is therefore unequal when it comes to hair loss. It can start very early, from the age of 20. It is characterized by temples and the top of the head gradually becoming bald.

2. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are diseases affecting the thyroid, it no longer produces enough hormones or produces too much and this can lead to problems with hair loss or hair growth. It generally affects women. It is easy to remedy hair loss due to this cause. Indeed, following adapted and oriented medical analyses, the doctor will prescribe a global treatment to alleviate the overall problems caused by these diseases and at the same time stop hair loss.

3. Polycystic ovaries:

We speak of polycystic ovaries when they produce too much male hormones. This syndrome can start very young in little girls, from the age of 11. It is often accompanied by other symptoms such as increased hair growth in other areas of the body.

4. Hormone changes throughout life

Throughout life, particularly in women, changes in hormones are common after childbirth, during menopause, or when taking a contraceptive pill for example. These hormonal changes can affect the quality as well as the quantity of hair.

5. Aging and nutritional deficiencies

Aging is also one of the causes. As we age, the body finds it increasingly difficult to maintain hair . Dietary deficiencies are also one of the causes. This is because, to grow naturally, our hair needs certain dietary elements (such as proteins, vitamins or amino acids). When these elements are lacking, we can then observe hair loss.

How to avoid it in 5 tips

To prevent baldness, several options exist.

- Opt for a balanced diet that provides hair with the nutrients it needs. It represents an effective way to prevent hair loss. It is then necessary to favor the consumption of certain foods such as foods rich in iron or fatty acids, animal proteins (meat, fish), fruits, cereals, dried or green vegetables. By integrating some of these elements into the diet daily, hair loss can be avoided. B vitamins are also essential elements for healthy hair.

- Limit your stress . It starts with simple practices: getting enough sleep every night (at least 7 hours), exercising, etc.

- There are many food supplements to take to combat hair loss, they can also have an impact on the beauty of your hair, making it silkier and shinier. Beta-carotenes, proteins as well as iron, B vitamins and zinc can allow you to properly synthesize keratin, which makes up 95% of hair. Brewer's yeast, royal jelly, spirulina, soy lecithin and bee pollen are food supplements that will allow you to effectively fight against hair loss but also,

- Avoid the use of certain products. For example, certain egg shampoos help to better nourish the scalp and maintain it better. The same goes for water and coconut oil.

- Medications, even if natural means are effective in combating hair loss, they are sometimes not radical enough and it is therefore necessary to take medications adapted to the pathology causing your hair loss. There are effective treatments for men such as minoxidil which increases blood circulation or blocks excess sebum. For women there are also medications to block testosterone. Women can also take birth control pills that contain female hormones. Helping to prevent falls and promoting regrowth. A simple blood test can tell you what deficiencies you are experiencing and help your doctor determine the right treatment.