Que faire pour éviter la constipation ? - Epycure

NUTRITION What to do to avoid constipation?

3min reading time

A poor diet can seriously disrupt your well-being . Thus, constipation remains one of the body 's reactions to indigestion. Even more common in individuals who do little physical activity, some of its symptoms can be bloating followed by cramps and excruciating abdominal pain. Angélique presents us with some tips to relieve digestion.

1. The cause of constipation

To better treat it you need to understand it, you need to know its causes. In most cases, it results from regular indigestion caused by excessive consumption of low-fiber, processed and sugary foods. You can therefore suffer from chronic constipation when you eat a lot of sweets, rice, pastries without taking appropriate measures to ensure your well-being . Several other causes can cause it.

  • side effects of medical treatments : certain medications prescribed or not by a doctor can cause a patient to regularly develop constipation;
  • a recurrent sedentary lifestyle : the absence of sporting activity or physical movements on a daily basis;
  • hormones: it can occur in pregnant or menstruating women.

2. Natural measures to avoid it

The classic remedies often adopted do not bring relief to everyone. We therefore recommend that you favor treatments generally based on natural plants (for example, flax seeds) in order to soothe pain or avoid it. Preferably choose organic plants or fruits.

Treatments based on specific drinks

To cure constipation, several drinks can help you:

  • citrus juice: absolutely add a tablespoon of olive oil to this liquid to relieve yourself;
  • for an adult, try an infusion with 5g of buckthorn in 200ml of water over low heat;
  • for chronic constipation, take a solution of one teaspoon of flax in water three times a day;
  • a mixture of lemon juice with olive oil and salt to drink could also help you, 1 case in the morning on an empty stomach.

Review your diet

Faced with constipation, you must provide your body with a healthy, but above all balanced, diet and sufficient hydration (minimum 1.5L of water per day). We recommend that you opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lots of fiber. You can therefore consume green vegetables, bread and soy in particular. Wholemeal flour, split peas, dry coconuts, and oats are also solutions. You should avoid meat, rice, industrial cereals, milk and most sugary foods.

Tips for prevention

Knowing how to avoid stomach aches due to constipation is also a solution. Here are some simple but very effective tips to combat this discomfort:

  • go to the toilet regularly and get enough physical activity, movement helps the intestine function.
  • consume food supplements to improve the liver and biliary functions of your body ;
  • drink enough water during the day and in the evening before bed.

What are the best natural laxatives?


In addition to its richness in fiber, Agen prune contains dihydroxyphenylisatin , a substance which stimulates intestinal contractions. Prunes can also be consumed in the form of juice or pulp.


Ripe fruits like apples contain pectin, an insoluble gel-forming fiber that slows the absorption of certain nutrients. This will increase the volume of the fecal bolus and improve the consistency of the stool, making it easier to eliminate.


Several studies have shown that coffee has a laxative effect. Contrary to popular belief, it is not linked to caffeine. Firstly, coffee stimulates the production of gastrin, a hormone which will help regulate the contraction movements of the distal colon. Coffee also increases the synthesis of cholecystokinin, a hormone that also aids digestion.

Fatty substances

Do not choose a diet that is too low in fat! Oil, butter, etc. have a lubricating effect in the intestine only if they are consumed raw or not heated very well (conversely, they risk delaying digestion). Olive oil will be more effective because it facilitates the evacuation of bile towards the intestine, which emulsifies dietary fats.

Whole grains

The bark or bran of whole grains contains most of the vitamins and insoluble fiber. If they are not digested, they will swell in the presence of water and increase the volume of stools. Whole grains also stimulate intestinal contraction, but they are less effective than insoluble fibers against constipation and less well tolerated.

Constipation has various causes. You can easily avoid or combat it using these simple tips to maintain your well-being. So don’t forget to follow our advice!

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