3 clés pour lutter contre le syndrome de fatigue chronique - Epycure

BIEN-ETRE 3 keys to fighting chronic fatigue syndrome


5min reading time

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also called myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a disease about which we have very little information because there are no biological markers to identify it. Only certain particularly disabling symptoms make it possible to determine whether or not we suffer from this syndrome. Unfortunately, we do not know the cause that triggers this disease. One of the main challenges of the disease is that it is impossible to diagnose through laboratory tests. However, some professionals believe that it is closely linked to:

  • exhaustion of the adrenal glands (responsible for our ability to adapt to physical or emotional stress)
  • or chronic inflammation of the body.

CFS generally appears with the same symptoms as a simple flu (fatigue and fever). The fever is likely to decrease, but the fatigue persists. It manifests itself in a lack of energy and motivation and other symptoms such as muscle pain, headaches or even digestive problems. It is a chronic disease characterized by extreme fatigue which lasts more than six months, sleep disorders with non-refreshing sleep, significant cognitive disorders (memory loss, concentration problems, etc.) or post-exertion discomfort. . Discomforts are criteria of exhaustion characteristic of CFS which can appear after intense effort (physical, emotional, etc.). They persist and then force patients to rest for several hours, days, or even weeks after the effort.

Women are 2 to 4 times more likely than men to suffer from it.

CFS has been recognized by the International Classification of Diseases, but doctors struggle to identify the signs of this syndrome and have it recognized as a disability. However, this disease is particularly debilitating depending on the case. Many doctors still think that these symptoms are the consequence of depressive disorders in their patients. Indeed, CFS is often associated with other illnesses such as fibromyalgia, a chronic illness surely due to a dysfunction of neurotransmitters which can sometimes be treated by therapy associated with certain antidepressants or anxiolytics. This is why it can lead to confusion between CFS and depression. We know that the diagnosis is difficult to establish since the symptoms are common to different diseases. In this case, people who have thyroid problems, fibromyalgia, etc. present the same symptoms, namely intense fatigue and pain.

Although classified as a neurological disease, according to the work of certain researchers, CFS is linked to the immune system and infections aggravating and accentuating the symptoms, in particular fatigue, as well as stress which occurs in the muscles and post-diseases. -efforts. This hypothesis has not yet allowed the establishment of a cure, or truly effective medications to treat this syndrome. The best way to relieve sick people would be to avoid unnecessarily activating their immune system and of course to be attentive to the slightest infection! If you haven't already done so, obviously consider consulting your doctor.

Here are 3 keys to regaining some of your vitality:

Limit exposure to potential allergens or intolerances

A great way to reduce chronic inflammation in the body is to minimize exposure to food allergens and foods to which you are intolerant. When this potential allergen manages to pass through the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream, your immune system responds with inflammation. It mobilizes in a way to fight against the food considered as a threatening foreign body. Two strategies must then be considered:

  • Check with your gastroenterologist that there is no intestinal dysbiosis which can weaken the walls of the intestine and make them permeable. They would then become like sieves that would allow food to pass into the bloodstream that should not be there. The most common:
  • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
  • Mushrooms (Candida albicans and yeasts)
  • H. pylori bacteria
  • Limit the ingestion of pro-inflammatory foods, that is to say foods which, once passed through the intestinal wall, would be likely to trigger an immune reaction. The most common intolerances/allergies are, in order of importance:

- Gluten, milk casein and soy

- Eggs and oilseed fruits (nuts and seeds)

- Solanaceae (tomato, eggplant, peppers, peppers, potatoes, etc.) and legumes

More and more research is highlighting a link between food allergies and sensitivities and CFS. Rather than doing intolerance tests, which are often expensive and controversial, the best way to determine what your food intolerances are is to eliminate the most common food allergens for a month, then gradually reintroduce them.

Increase your intake of B vitamins

There appears to be a direct link between reduced vitamin B levels and chronic fatigue syndrome, and more specifically between levels of vitamin B6 and B12, both of which are essential for the methylation process.

Methylation is a process that takes place constantly in the cells of our body and has a multitude of essential functions such as supporting the immune system, producing energy, managing inflammation, controlling nerve function , or even detoxification of the body, all involved in chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Vitamin B6: Foods rich in vitamin B6 include wild-caught tuna and salmon, bananas, grass-fed beef, sweet potatoes, turkey, hazelnuts, garlic, and cooked spinach.
  • Vitamin B12: Vegans and vegetarians are particularly at risk of B12 deficiency, as it is most often found in foods of animal origin. Foods rich in vitamin B12 include beef liver from grass-fed cows, sardines, tuna, raw cheese, cottage cheese, lamb, raw milk, eggs and salmon savage.

To effectively treat chronic fatigue syndrome, B vitamins are essential. In addition to opting for a diet rich in B vitamins, a vitamin B complex supplement can help. Overall, B vitamins work to support healthy metabolic functioning, hormone production, and vitality.

Learn to manage your stress levels

Chronic fatigue syndrome can be debilitating both physically and mentally. Stress control and long-term relaxation should be an essential part of any treatment.

  • Sleep: It is important to establish a regular bedtime routine, which includes a period of physical and emotional slowdown. Avoid stimulating drinks, disconnect from screens, favor soft lighting and diffuse relaxing essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, valerian, Roman chamomile, marjoram, bergamot, clary sage, jasmine and ylang ylang.
  • Rest and relaxation: Rest is not limited to sleep. Dedicate one day a week to activities that impose no responsibility or commitment on you and that help you refocus and detach yourself from your thoughts. It is important to avoid any type of overwork.
  • Movement: patients with chronic fatigue syndrome can resume or improve their level of physical activity to combat a sedentary lifestyle. If regular exercise promotes well-being and helps reduce stress, these people with CFS need to exercise at a moderate intensity because they are still exposed to possible post-discomfort. efforts. Favor aerobic activities, rather than high-intensity exercises.





Solène Senejko

Ingénieure Alimentation & Santé