Conseils & astuces pour éviter les ballonnements - Epycure

BIEN-ETRE Tips & tricks to avoid bloating


4min reading time

What is this ?

You are probably wondering why some days you have a swollen stomach.

The accumulation of gas in the digestive system causes tension in the intestine or stomach and causes the stomach to swell, which is called bloating.

  • Swelling of the stomach can be due to excessive gas absorption, linked to the consumption of soft drinks or chewing gum for example.
  • The overproduction of gas in the intestines can be caused by the consumption of foods that ferment easily in the digestive system such as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.).

Bloating is one of the most common digestive disorders which is most often accompanied by discomforts such as stomach aches and flatulence. It generally does not cause complications. Indeed, they are unpleasant, painful and embarrassing but they can be easily remedied using natural solutions.

Their causes are very varied and can be linked both to our lifestyle and to our eating habits. Many other factors such as stress, smoking, antibiotics or even laxatives used in excessive quantities can weaken our intestinal flora and cause swelling of our digestive system.

Note that hormonal changes linked to pregnancy or menopause also promote the significant production of intestinal gas.

More unusually, certain illnesses and intolerances can also cause bloating. If you feel bloated regularly and your stomach aches are intense, then your bloating may have a medical cause. These symptoms should not be taken lightly if they are experienced chronically. In this case, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor because these swellings sometimes hide a pathology requiring special treatment.

Tips & tricks

We have put together some ideas for natural remedies to help you relieve these digestive discomforts in the long term. Try one of them, you will normally have a less bloated stomach quite quickly and your digestive system prone to abdominal pain will be relieved.

What diet to avoid bloating?

Observe the composition of your plates! In our diet, certain foods are known to cause bloating and others to help relieve it. You can try to identify these foods by removing or adding them to your diet one by one and watch how your body reacts.

Avoid FODMAPs. It is a set of sugars fermented by intestinal bacteria found in many foods that are best avoided from our diet. In fact, they cause significant gas production, leading to intestinal problems. (Make a list or link to an article that talks about it?)

Don’t hesitate to eat fiber. They are very good for health. These are insoluble fibers which, if not consumed in excess, help stimulate intestinal transit and limit constipation, which is often accompanied by bloating. They are found in whole grains, almonds, nuts, or fruits and vegetables such as pears, dates, rhubarb, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc.

You can also eat dried vegetables. Lentils, dried beans, peas, broad beans... are rich in fiber and protein. Simply soak them in water the day before and rinse them before cooking to avoid being bloated after eating them.

It is important to take at least 20 minutes to eat. Chewing food correctly facilitates digestion and limits the risk of aerophagia, while eating too quickly and not chewing enough will tend to cause intestinal pain and bloating.

Banish carbonated drinks and chewing gum from your daily life which make the digestive system work “on empty” and cause digestive discomfort.

Anti-bloating herbal tea

Trust the plants!

Certain carminative plants reduce flatulence by absorbing gases accumulated in the intestines and thus remove swelling. This is the case for fennel, cumin, coriander and even anise.

Thyme helps reduce bloating, peppermint and rosemary help digestion and are used against digestive disorders.

Lemon balm is an effective antispasmodic and thus helps calm pain, just like valerian and passionflower which soothe the intestines in the same way.

One of the most effective grandmother's remedies is to use these plants in the form of an infusion. You can combine several plants such as thyme (anti-bloating), peppermint (against digestive disorders) and lemon balm (anti-spasmodic) to make a complete remedy. Fill your cup with very hot water and a pinch of each of these plants. Drink it after every meal to help your body digest.

Gastric bandages?

Consider using charcoal to make gastric dressings. It is a black powder obtained by the calcination of wood, coconut shells or olive stones. This carbonization aims to increase the porosity of the powder, these pores having the capacity to contain air. Vegetable charcoal can therefore eliminate gases due to fermentations in order to relieve bloating. You can do a treatment over 2 or 3 weeks by taking 2 tablespoons in a large glass of water per meal. You can also consume it in the form of capsules.

It is advisable to take medications at least 2 hours apart from taking charcoal to avoid any interaction and not limit their absorption.

Finally, baking soda is a grandmother's tip known for acid reflux and heartburn, but also for bloating, since it promotes good digestion. You can mix a teaspoon of powder in a glass of water and drink it before your meal. Please note, it is not recommended to use it too often for people suffering from heart or kidney failure.

Solène Senejko

Ingénieure Alimentation & Santé