Maladies auto-immunes : se soigner par l’alimentation avec Jeanne Deumier - Epycure

EPYCURE Autoimmune diseases: treating yourself through diet with Jeanne Deumier


3min reading time

In this episode, we had the pleasure of welcoming Jeanne Deumier .

Diagnosed with Crohn's disease at 18, Jeanne decided to drastically change her lifestyle and diet in order to treat herself in a more natural way. During this podcast, she tells us about her story and gives us her advice for integrating an anti-inflammatory and healthy diet into your daily life, learning to listen to your body, and regaining control of your lifestyle.

In France, there are around 10 million people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases , and mainly women.

6 years ago, Jeanne decided to radically change her way of living. Tired of her illness, she became more interested in naturopathy, she stopped shopping in supermarkets, cut out processed foods, learned to listen to herself, ate in smaller quantities, spent more time at home. home, to rest and continue to learn about well-being. Today, she has regained her energy and no longer has any symptoms.

Jeanne's basket

Jeanne eats a very plant-based diet. We find on our plate, a portion of cooked vegetable, and sometimes, at breakfast, a 100% vegetable juice, made with an extractor. But she is also a big fan of white fish and vegetable oils, rich in Omega-3.

However, she does not eat dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese) and does not recommend desserts for lunch and dinner. Jeanne is in much better shape since she reduced the sugar in her diet, because it tires the body.

Organize differently

“A healthy mind in a healthy body is, first of all, a diet that respects vital needs, which respects the seasons, and which involves starting to cook.”

Jeanne dedicates time during the weekend where she cooks everything, this is what we call “batch cooking”, spending two hours in the kitchen on the weekend to anticipate the meals of the week and n Then you just have to assemble them.

Concerning cooking methods, she recommends Marion Kaplan's vitalizer , in order to retain all the nutrients in the food.

Jeanne's advice for a healthy lifestyle :

  • Reduce screens : do not fall asleep with social networks, or in front of a film, but read a book to recover a normal sleep rhythm.

  • Move : play sports, yoga, active walking.

  • Don't be afraid of not eating in the morning : simply drink an infusion, rather than eating a croissant on the go, which will then weigh down the body.

  • Have a lighter dinner in the evening, to wake up in great shape the next day.

Take a break

For people who are skeptical, or who cannot follow all of this advice, for more than 24 hours, Jeanne recommends doing a retreat. Go away for several days, with a friend, and do different things from everyday life, such as going to the sea or surfing. The idea is simply to take a break and realize that food is not the only source of pleasure.

To finish, Jeanne agreed to answer the questions in the “Tonic Quiz” (Quick Questions-Quick Answers), here are her tips and tricks:

  • A reflex to take every morning to take care of yourself : A 100% vegetable juice made with an extractor, based on beetroot, carrot and ginger.

  • A book about well-being : A book by Gwyneth Paltrow.

  • A healthy address : Apéti , 72, rue du Cherche Midi, 75 006 Paris.

  • A food that we should all eat : Raspberries, in the summer.

  • A phrase to repeat to yourself every morning : “Everything is possible”.

  • One last piece of advice : Dare and don't be afraid to try something else.

Find Jeanne on her Instagram account @jeannedeumier and Facebook , but also on Flammarion editions, through her two works, “ Diagnostiquée Crohn ” and “ To end Crohn ”.

Excellent listening!

We'll see you next week for a new episode of Club Bonheur.

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Solène Senejko

Ingénieure Alimentation & Santé