Les bienfaits des abdominaux hypopressifs et du stomach vacuum avec Anaïs Jasmine - Epycure

EPYCURE The benefits of hypopressive abdominals and stomach vacuum with Anaïs Jasmine


2min reading time

Today, in Club Bonheur, we welcome Anaïs Jazmine .

Pilates teacher, trained by Verena Tremel and co-founder of the media MyBeautyFuelFood, she talks to us in this episode about hypopressive abdominals and in particular the importance of working the transverse. Anaïs details all the benefits of these exercises, their link with pilates and explains to us step by step how to practice the trendiest exercise of the moment, the stomach vacuum.

What is stomach vacuum?

Different types of abs are used during your workouts. Some more specific exercises allow you to strengthen different types of abdominals (rectus, transverse, obliques). To optimize your training as much as possible, it is therefore important to target your exercises well.

Hypopressive or deep abdominals are the abdominals that we cannot see, unlike the hyperpressive abdominals that we see with the naked eye. Working the hypopressive abdominals, particularly the transversus abdominis, tends to strengthen the abdominal belt to make the stomach flat.

The role of breathing

Breathing plays an essential role in your workouts. It is what allows our muscles to oxygenate. Pilates breathing is breathing where you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

It is thoracic breathing that we will force, that we will come to work with the throat, and which will allow us to activate the abdominals in depth.

The benefits of this practice

On a physical level, improved posture, a flatter and firmer stomach, a slim waist and relief from back pain.

On a physiological level, a feeling of lightness, a more peaceful mind and a reduction in stress.

When and how to practice stomach vacuum?

Anaïs recommends that you practice Stomach Vacuum on an empty stomach, to wake up and detoxify the body, as part of a daily meditation.

You can practice on your back, on your knees, standing or on all fours like the Cat Stretch yoga position.

Stomach Vacuum can be done every day. Anaïs incorporated it into her daily routine, lasting 15 to 20 minutes. There is no contraindication to this practice, except for people who have eaten before.

The practice :

  1. Take a deep breath and grow yourself
  2. Exhale through your throat, as if fogging an invisible window.
  3. Tilt the pelvis forward
  4. Bend more
  5. Expel the air and pull your stomach in as much as possible

Anaïs’s answers to our “Tonic Quiz” (quick questions – quick answers) :

  • A book to recommend : The Little Treatise on the Great Virtues , by André Comte Sponville

  • The ideal breakfast : Scrambled eggs (two egg whites and one yolk, coconut oil, onions) and a slice of country bread (sourdough flour), with half a crushed avocado OR pancakes with sourdough flour almonds or chickpeas with crushed strawberries or raspberries on top

  • Next person to interview : Sofiia from My Beauty Fuel Food

  • One last piece of advice : “Exercise a little, but well and regularly, consciously, for 30 minutes a day”

If you liked this episode, find Anaïs on her personal Instagram account @anaisjazmine as well as on @mybeautyfuelfood . From the start of the school year, our fitness expert will give Stomach Vacuum and muscle strengthening classes in a studio in Paris. Stay tuned!

Very good listening and see you next week for a new episode of Club Bonheur!

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Solène Senejko

Ingénieure Alimentation & Santé