Quelle est la différence entre prébiotique et probiotique ?  - Epycure

SANTÉ What is the difference between probiotics, prebiotics & synbiotics?


6min reading time

More and more French people are interested in natural solutions to prevent or treat diseases. We now know that there is a close link between certain conditions and the intestinal microbiota . The latter plays a role in digestive, metabolic, immune, neurological functions and many others. Taking antibiotics, an unbalanced diet , an illness or even a deficiency in the immune system can promote the imbalance of our microbiota and therefore impact digestion, the immune system, the skin and even the brain. This is why probiotics have a role to play in our health, by protecting or rebalancing this intestinal microbiota . Found in certain foods or in food supplements, it is essential to consume them intelligently and therefore to combine them with prebiotics for complete action.

Prebiotic & Probiotic , what is the difference? Here we explain the benefits of probiotics and prebiotics and especially why it is so interesting to consume them together.

What are probiotics?

You must have already heard about the human microbiota , considered as an organ in its own right in human physiology. It actually represents all the microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi, etc.) in the body. Probiotics , known as “friendly bacteria,” are the beneficial microorganisms in our body that form the intestinal, oral and vaginal flora. The health of our microbiota depends only on the balance between good and bad bacteria. An imbalance in our microbiota , i.e. the proliferation of bad bacteria, is the cause of an alteration of the symbiosis existing between us and our intestinal microbiota , called dysbiosis. It can unfortunately promote the development of certain health problems (infection, poor digestion, allergies, etc.). Thus, the presence of probiotics in the intestinal mucosa helps maintain the balance of the intestinal flora by preventing and countering the attacks of these harmful microorganisms. They have real positive effects on health.

They are particularly used to regulate intestinal transit and prevent or even treat constipation, to restore intestinal flora and limit diarrhea problems and to reduce the intensity and frequency of symptoms of an individual suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. (or irritable bowel). They are also very interesting for restoring the balance of the vaginal flora and for supporting the immune system by limiting the proliferation of pathogens in the body and stimulating the production of antibodies. Finally, probiotic strains could be effective on skin problems, in particular on atopic eczema, on weight loss as well as on psychological disorders.

Recognized as a new way of taking care of your body, more and more French people are consuming probiotics to help those naturally present in their body. It is found in particular in our food . The foods that are richest in it are fermented milks, yogurts, sourdough breads, kefir, soy products, cheeses, sauerkraut and pickled vegetables. They are also available in the form of dietary supplements. Called lactic ferments, they most often belong to 4 different genera ( Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, Streptococci, Lactococci ) and include hundreds of thousands of different strains. Each health problem corresponds to a strain with specific properties.

What about prebiotics?

Although there is only one letter difference, prebiotics are not to be confused with probiotics ! They actually constitute their food and are therefore essential to their functioning. They promote their diversity and development and thus make it possible to increase the number of beneficial microorganisms in the body, at the expense of pathogenic microorganisms. Their consumption contributes to the balance of our intestinal flora and therefore to our health.

The main dietary prebiotics are present in foods rich in fiber (asparagus, leeks, squash, beans, lentils, apricot, banana, kiwi, apple, nuts, cereals, etc.), omega 3 and 9 (olive oil, avocado , fatty fish, etc.), and polyphenols (spices, red fruits, dried fruits, etc.).

The effect of prebiotic foods is notably provided by their fiber content. They are part of the complex carbohydrate family, so unlike sugars and starches, our body does not have the capacity to digest or absorb them. This is why they pass through our digestive tract intact. Upon arriving in the intestine, dietary fibers will come into contact with our friendly bacteria, capable of digesting and breaking them down. It is by feeding on these prebiotics that probiotics will grow more quickly, diversify and therefore increase their effects on health. They will help maintain a healthy intestinal barrier, regulate the absorption of nutrients by the colon, strengthen our natural defenses and reduce digestive disorders.

This is why it is strongly recommended to combine probiotics with prebiotics , whether in your diet or in the form of food supplements, for a so-called “symbiotic” association. This allows you to take care of your intestinal flora thanks to a complete action.

Our probiotic & prebiotic complex: Healthy Guts

At Epycure, we are committed to offering you the most effective products possible. This is why we decided to develop Healthy Guts , a complex of probiotics , prebiotics and minerals. This formulation provides benefits for digestion, immunity and the skin! It is a synergy of 100% natural origin active ingredients which contributes to the improvement of the immune system, the normal functioning of digestive enzymes and the maintenance of normal skin, hair and nails.

Only strains that have shown effectiveness through clinical studies will be able to provide the certainty of effectiveness during a treatment. This is why when sourcing our probiotic strains, we selected exactly the same strain number as that used in clinical studies. Our 4 patented probiotic strains have been rigorously selected for their complementary effectiveness on the intestinal microbiota : Bifidobacterium lactis LMG-21384 and Bifidobacterium breve DSM16604 for their effectiveness on digestive disorders and their action on the skin as well as Lactobacillus plantarum LMG P-21020 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus DSM16605 for their positive impact on the immune system. In order to potentiate the effectiveness of probiotics , we have chosen to combine them with inulin , a prebiotic from agave, rich in dietary fiber, which will serve as food for intestinal bacteria while releasing molecules beneficial to health. . Finally, we added zinc , a trace element which contributes in particular to the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of normal skin, as well as calcium , a mineral which contributes to the proper functioning of digestive enzymes and the reduction of gastric acidity of the stomach.

These active ingredients have been encapsulated in gastro-resistant capsules, of plant origin, so that the strains are not destroyed during their passage through the stomach and so that they can arrive intact in the intestines. Small bonus for these Made in France capsules which are suitable for all diets since they are gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan. They are preservative-free, GMO-free, sweetener-free and artificial flavor-free. Please note that this product has been designed to be as eco-responsible as possible (recyclable and refillable pot, recycled label, aluminum cap)!

It is recommended to take 2 capsules per day for adults and 1 capsule for children over 12 years old, preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach, with a large glass of water. Each pack contains 60 capsules, a 30-day, renewable treatment. It is recommended to do a 3 month treatment to achieve optimal results. At the same time, you must of course have a diversified and balanced diet . In case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, existing pathologies or heavy treatment, ask your doctor for advice.

Eugénie Baudouard

Assistante Marketing Content | Ingénieure Nutraceutique